When is a date ‘successful’? After the train wreck of the Pancake Man experience I’ve decided to dip my toe in the dating pond again and it’s got me thinking. We often define a date as successful ONLY when both parties involved mutually wish to tear each other’s clothes off or decide to be life-partners or […]

I admitted defeat! I had done everything wrong and had scared off this handsome, sexy man. I sent a few text messages over the next couple of weeks, oh you know the kind I mean, the general ” Hi you, hope you’re well, did you have fun this weekend?” And of course I got […]

… with that he turned, walked up the steps, across the bridge and out of sight. I got into my car and started the journey home. After about 10 minutes I then started my rapid decent hurtling to Fatal Flaw #69,318,478 – I rang him. “Hi, just wanted to make sure you got on the […]

Ah, where were we…oh yes, seated at our table enjoying a wonderful meal. “How come you’re single?” I ask (in genuine wonderment). “I think the girls in this city just don’t know what to do with a guy with manners” he laughed. “I have no problems talking to girls, I’m friendly and I do flirt, […]

So, day 6… As I stood there on the platform of the train station I suddenly felt nervous but why? I didn’t fancy him, I couldn’t even remember him, I just had the sense of a good conversation and the desire to talk to him again. Oh no, what if I don’t recognise him, now […]

So, Christmas came and went, January appeared and I hadn’t got the call from the Pancake Man. Ah well, a shame as he was nice to talk to but no matter. A few more weeks go by and I decided I’d contact him. Why not, it’s not like I fancied him and was on the prowl, […]